ASR Namespace Reference


class  Building
 Class representing a Building belonging to a team. More...
class  Client
class  ControlGroup
class  DynamicLines
class  DynamicRenderable
 Abstract base class providing mechanisms for dynamically growing hardware buffers. More...
class  FogOfWar
class  Formation
class  Game
class  GameListener
class  Level
 A Level manages which squares on the map are occupied and which ones are free to walk across. More...
class  LevelStatusVisualizer
 This class is used to visualize the information about a Level. More...
class  LineFormation
class  MovableObject
 A MovableObject is a wrapper around some 'entity' that will be visible and placeable in the game. More...
class  Projectile
 A Projectile is any ranged "bullet" that is fired from one Unit/Building to another Unit/Building. More...
class  RTSCamera
class  RTSCameraUpdater
class  Team
 A Team is responsible for managing all of the resources of a single team. More...
class  TeamBuildings
class  TeamUnits
class  TeamUpdater
class  Timer
class  Unit
class  UnitGroup
class  UnitSelecter
class  UnitType
class  UnitTypeManager
class  Updater
 An updater is used when something needs to be updated on a per-frame basis. More...
class  ClientUpdater




const int BuildingPadding = 0
const int UNIT_SPEED = 60

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 11 of file DynamicLines.cpp.

00011              {
00012                 POSITION_BINDING,
00013                 TEXCOORD_BINDING
00014         };

Variable Documentation

const int ASR::BuildingPadding = 0

Definition at line 18 of file Building.cpp.

Referenced by ASR::Building::translate().

const int ASR::UNIT_SPEED = 60

Definition at line 38 of file TeamUnits.cpp.

Referenced by ASR::TeamUnits::moveUnits().

Generated on Sun Jun 25 19:23:43 2006 for Valors End by  doxygen 1.4.7